Saturday, March 21, 2020

What are we going to do to relieve the stess?

My friend called the other day and said she was upset.  I was doing very well that day.  We chatted, I acknowledged her fears and she said it helped just to talk about it - Covid -19 - which I learned is the official term and stands for Coronavirus Disease of 2019.  Today, I called the same friend and said that I was feeling a bit out of sorts - not sure what was happening....I'd like to help, but not sure what to do, will people be ok, will the small businesses survive this, how bad will it get?  We don't have those answers but she simply listened.  Different days, different feelings.  I suspect we will all have our up and down days.  Uncertainty is stressful.  But, listening and talking helps. 
If there is one thing I have learned from quilting and sewing is that it is therapeutic!
And, learning something new is therapeutic and gets your mind off what we can't do much about.
I have pulled out my embroidery machine over the past few weeks and am now determined to have fun with that machine! And I'm teaching my dog Bennie Spanish (which is helping me, too).  He is also learning yoga positions - he is pretty good at MountainTops - he's sleeping now or I'd grab a picture.....  I'll post later it if I can get one.
Humor - it is okay to laugh!  I so appreciate the jokes going around, because we need to laugh.
Those are my thoughts tonight....
Be well, be safe, take care.

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