August 3rd was National Watermelon, let's celebrate that!
Gather your pretty pinks, greens, and reds!
I will show you a kick up from our original 2003 pattern.
MATERIALS: (Instructions Below)
1 panel Double-Wedding-Ring-Interfacing-by-the-Panel
Double Wedding Ring Pieced Arcs Template
You can opt to make crazy pieced fabric into a 3" by 10" rectangle...or, just something that fits the arc. Or, use all solid fabrics.
Optional: Double-Wedding-Ring---Instructions-Only
Helpful Tool: Fasturn-6-Tube-Turning-Tool
Pinks, Reds, Greens - or other colors! You can make Pumpkin Pie, too!
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Quilted version coming soon! |
Watermelon Fabric: (5) 6" squares for the watermelon, (5) 8" background squares for watermelons. Alternate Block Fabric: (4) 8" gray blocks & (4) 8" white blocks - or get (8) 8" blocks of one color!
Border Strips: (2-4) 2.5" x Width of Fabric - I used 2 gray and 2 white.
TIP: If using fabric with one-way designs, like the words in this runner, be careful with cutting. They are often not printed even, and you might need to cut along the words, not perpendicular to the selvage.
Grab a Watermelon, if you'd like, as you'll start craving it!
We just started this LiveBlog, so we haven't had time to post materials needed ahead of time. I'll try my best to do that in the future! Or, we might be able to have a kit with everything for a month.... let us know what you would like!
Keep coming back to see my progress, I will be sewing in real time. I also write the blog and photograph in real time, so it will take me longer than it would to make the project.
You can ask questions and comment in the Comments below section.

Cut arcs apart, leaving as much margin as the interfacing allows. Do NOT cut on the dashed lines - that comes later - as it will make the sewing more difficult.
Cut wedges from 2.5" strips with the Double Wedding Ring Pieced Arcs Template

...FOR SINGLE FABRIC ARCS, cut a 3" x 10" rectangle for each watermelon block. I'm going to be using 3 pieced, and 2 solid fabric arcs (to start with...might switch it up later).
On the 10" rectangle, make sure the dots touch the edges of the fabric, ...

...that the bottom dashed trim line is ON the fabric.

OR pin.
Stitch 6 wedges Right Sides together. You can assembly-line them as shown here, or stitch them one at a time....whatever works for you. I'm doing scrappy.
Keep looking back on the blog, because sometimes I add a clarification photo (I just did.)
Place your arcs like a smile - because it is nice - because when you do a big quilt, if it is planned, that tip will come in handy.
PRESSING SEAMS - 2 choices. You might want to try each in this small project and see what you like before you make a full size Double Wedding Ring.
1) Press the seams to one side - Easier to press. A bit more stable in terms of wear.2) Press the seams open - Easier to sew & zigzag, but more time-consuming. Not as stable for long time wear of the quilt.
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Center Line at Seam, Dots at Raw Edges. |
Position the interfacing arc on the fabric arc (6 wedges). Follow the tips here:
On this arc, I pressed OUTSIDE the lines so that it would secure....instead of using pins.
Note the 3 spots highlighted in PINK - how could you not, right? The end dotted line and 2 dots of the interfacing should rest on the raw edge of the fabric, or angle into the fabric (that is ok! A LOT of mine do that, not this one, but a lot do.)
The center line should be placed at the center seam.
I just started (2 pics ago) using the Draw feature on is very cool!
Stitch on the solid lines that are so artistically pointed out by that lovely pink arrow.
BACKSTITCH! It will keep the seams at the ends of the arcs from "popping" open when you turn them.
I'm sewing all my arcs now..... IDEA - pink or red fabric with polka dots.... AWH, it would be so adorable for the watermelon part!
TIP: I really like using my rotating mat for cutting the wedges. I missed it today, cause I put it under the TV to have a rotating TV....I can see that from 3 rooms now. It's nice to have on while sewing too....and, a great way pass the time when you trim and turn arcs (next). I don't have it one while I do this though - that would be way too much for me. Bennie throwing the ball at my feet is enough distraction.
12:39 Smiling Arcs are Done. Trim on dashed lines, Turn with a Fasturn #6. I don't recommend using a tends to stretch the interfacing and can rip it in this design. I do like that for other projects. Fasturn-6-Tube-Turning-Tool
You can trim with scissors or a rotary cutter (if you have a steady hand and patience). I just started trimming that way, but it took me a while to get the courage up!
YOU DON'T NEED THE "WINGS" for this project so you can cut off on the dotted lines...
I call those "Double Wedding Wings".
Turn the arcs. The Fasturn #6 is a great tool! I've found nothing better than that to turn our arcs....
The little squiggly poke on the end of the wire gets hooked through the fabric, then pulled through the brass tube. LOVE it!
Finger press the arcs. Push the seams out if you need to by reinserting the brass tube into the turned arc, and pressing the seams with your fingers.
A lot to note in this pic.
1) Grab your stash or fat quarter stack, and see what you like with your arcs. You might have already done that.
2) See in the very upper right corner - those are the fabrics I'll use for a similar runner but I'll call it Pumpkin Rings instead. Or some other name that hits me at midnight.
3) The dark green was hidden under all the pinks...imagine that with how organized I am!
There is an option you can use that I might try in a while - It is making the outside rind as a second layer of darker green. You would just sew one side of the arc, and tuck it under the inside arc. I'll try it and show it soon.... For now, on to our blocks.
This will go a bit faster if we all had a SEW Chef!
Lay your 6" squares on a cutting mat and count off 4" at the top and right side. Place the ruler along that diagonal and cut.

Match your backgrounds and watermelon rings up. The top right block shows how it looks prior to adding the ring. When you press the ring, make sure all the block is covered.
This is only one layout. The one I am going to do is a runner, long and narrow.
I might switch some of my backgrounds....
This is the layout I had in my Note, I don't work with on-point designs very often, and if I do, I use squares, not triangles. You might have another way to do this....go for it! The magic here is in the watermelon rings, not the layout. Laying out a pattern before you sew it is always good.
Fuse the arc, covering the watermelon fabric edges. Use an applique pressing sheet, ESPECIALLY if your iron is a bit scorchy.
That is not a word, apparently. I like it though.
If you want the second layered arc, here is where you would add it.

The back arc is fine with a 2.5" strip, and might be fine a bit smaller. I found this green I liked as it was up the blacks in the background nicely. You won't need the part where the lovely arrows are pointing.
Sew on the solid line at the bottom of the "smile" - The "X" is the line to NOT sew. The bottom of the smile line is the longer line.
Tuck the darker green under the other ring, and fuse. You will zigzag them at the same time - that's next!
Zigzag all interfaced edges. I use one of the following:
- Invisible thread
- Invisafil (tm) by Wonderfil
- Decorative thread and decorative stitch
I'm liking it! All zigzaging is done.
You can put those squares together however you like, but I'll be back in a bit to show you how I finished them up. Words and watermelons might not seem like they go together - but I like them both, so I am good with this!
You can cut away the back if you's good fabric to put in your next quilt. Be careful not to cut the under fabric, and for stability in your quilt, leave about a 1/2" seam.
"Oops, not where I should sit?"
Sew the squares into rows. Press seams away from the watermelon blocks.
Sew the rows together.
If you pressed the seams "like they want to go" other words, away from the watermelon block, then you will have what I call a "twist" seam. That is ok, just let it twist, and press over the twist.
Leaving a 1/4" seam allowance, trim off triangles. These are now on the bias, so take care not to stretch.
Since the edges are on the bias, lay the runner flat and pin the border strip under the runner. RIGHT SIDES TOGETHER.
Extend the border strip about 1/2" beyond the runner end, and sew with a 1/4" seam allowance, from point to point (see pink arrow - you will see the stitching). TIP: stitch a threads-width or so away from the point (this will give a little space for pressing the border flat without being so bulky.
Do NOT STRETCH the bias edges of the triangles.... Pin well and flat before you sew.
Press border seams toward the outside.
Cut off the side borders even with the end blocks. You could stop here and quilt, bind, and enjoy.... OR,
Stitch remaining strips to the end blocks, right sides together, 1/4" seam allowance. I wrapped the white all around, and the gray around the other end...just to be different.... but you can do whatever you want - Send us pics! We love seeing what you do!
I'll post another pic after I quilt it...maybe this coming weekend.
11:49pm.... It did not take all day to sew this! I was also designing it, photographing, writing, and had a zoom call with my son, and another with my siblings.
This is the Quiltsmart sample from 2003. If you do this layout, you might want to sew a "balancing border". The background blocks on this quilt were 8", the same that we are using.
Balancing border: (2) 1.5" strips - sew to left and top.
Let us know if you have questions, feel free to comment!
Thank you so much for "watching" our LiveBlog!
Take Care & Be Safe!

Please also check out our first LiveBlogs - this is our 3rd. We would love if you would share, comment and ask questions. We are here to help.
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